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You can follow dere-street in a couple of places: Follow dere-street on LinkedIn You can follow both dere-street services and Dave Fitch. I also manage the Smart Cities and Edinburgh Entrepreneurs groups on LinkedIn. Read more
You can follow dere-street in a couple of places: Follow dere-street on LinkedIn You can follow both dere-street services and Dave Fitch. I also manage the Smart Cities and Edinburgh Entrepreneurs groups on LinkedIn. Read more
dere-street is an Edinburgh-based consultancy who provide project and program management support, writing and content support, KPIs and reporting support, support innovation programs, develop funding applications and bids, and manage research programs. Read more
This is a bibliography of the key historical documents that help explain why retailing in Edinburgh’s city centre looks like it does today.
It seems that we’re watching the death throes of the House of Fraser – or at least of the House of Fraser brand. How much of this is a sign of the broader changes in retailing, and how much is the story of a poorly managed brand?
Apple UK has allegedly asked UK landlords for substantial rent cuts. In an environment where the value of retail space is a fraction of what it was 6 months ago, should we be surprised?
The main thing stopping a significant shift towards urban cycling isn’t a lack of desire -it’s a lack of bicycles.
We are starting to see some v. small changes in how transportation is changing in Covid-19 Scotland thanks to Spaces for People. What we don’t know (yet) is how much of the funding is going to benefit pedestrians/walkers.
As part of the £1M Cancer Innovation Challenge, Product Forge is running a three day long open data event to use synthetic data to develop new ways to work with cancer data in Scotland.
Scotland lags behind much of Europe in outcomes for cancer patients. The Cancer Innovation Challenge has £1M of funding to develop new innovative approaches to using data to deliver better cancer treatment outcomes in Scotland.
I think anything that makes streets safer is good – and while Edinburgh‘s new 20mph policy isn’t perfect, it’s already changing how people drive in Edinburgh for the better.
Geographical Information Systems can be used by cities in a range of ways to deliver smarter services – these are the key lessons from the Smart Cities Project.
Co-design brings stakeholders – customers, clients, service users, citizens – into the service design process. It is a move towards user-led process design, and should lead to a user-led approach to service delivery.
This report brings together in-depth examples of co-design at work in the development of Smart Cities.
This is a bibliography of resources and articles that focus on modernity and post-modernity and place – some cover consumption/specific places.
While retail vacancy rates in the UK are declining, one in every seven shops is still empty. So is this decline all good news, or is it hiding some potentially bad news?