Modernity, post-modernity, place and the street – a bibliography

This is a bibliography of resources and articles that focus on modernity and post-modernity and place – some cover consumption/specific places.

A comprehensive (albeit dated) bibliography on the modernity and post-modernity and place as they relate to retailing and the street (or variations on the theme, such as festival cities), while others provide useful background/theory to help you better understand the underlying dynamics of retail and urban change.

Bibliographical index:

 A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  J •  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  W  Z 


Anderson, P. (1984), “Modernity and Revolution.” New Left Review(144): pp. 96-113.

Ashworth, G. J. and Tunbridge, J. E. (1990), The tourist-historic city. London, Belhaven Press.

Augé, M. (1995), Non-places: introduction to an anthropology of supermodernity. London; New York, Verso.


Baudrillard, J. (1988), “For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign.” Jean Baudrillard: Selected Writings. M. Poster (Ed.), Stanford, Stanford University Press: pp. 57-97.

Beauregard, R. A. (1991), “Capital Restructuring and the New Built Environment of Global Cities: New York and Los Angeles.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 15(1).

Bell, D. (1973), The coming of post-industrial society: a venture in social forecasting. New York, Basic Books.

Berman, M. (1982), All That Is Solid Melts Into Air. London, Verso.

Berman, M. (1984), “The Signs in the Street – a response to Perry Anderson.” New Left Review(144): pp. 114-123.

Berman, M. (1988), “The Experience of Modernity.” Design after modernism: beyond the object. J. Thackara (Ed.), New York [London], Thames and Hudson: pp. 35-48.

Blake, P. (1977), Form Follows Fiasco. Boston, Little, Brown and Co.

Boddy, T. (1992), “Underground and Overhead: Building the Analogous City.” Variations on a Theme Park. M. Sorkin (Ed.), New York, Hill and Wang: pp. 123-153.

Boyer, M. C. (1992), “Cities for Sale: Merchandising History at South Street Seaport.” Variations on a Theme Park. M. Sorkin (Ed.), New York, Hill and Wang: pp. 181-204.

Brown, D. S., Venturi, R., et al. (1972), Learning from Las Vegas. Cambridge [Mass.]; London, MIT Press.


Callinicos, A. (1989), Against postmodernism: a Marxist critique. Cambridge, Polity Press.

Campbell, C. (1995), “The Sociology of Consumption.” Acknowledging Consumption: A Review of the New Studies. D. Miller (Ed.), London, Routledge: pp. 96-126.

Castells, M. (1989), The informational city: information technology, economic restructuring, and the urban-regional process. Oxford, Basil Blackwell.

Charles, P. o. W. (1989), A vision of Britain: a personal view of architecture. London; New York, Doubleday.

Clarke, D. B. (1996), “The Limits to Retail Capital.” Retailing, Consumption and Capital. N. Wrigley and M. Lowe (Eds.), Harlow, Longman Group: pp. 3-30.

Clarke, D. B. (1997), “Consumption and the city, modern and postmodern.” International Journal Of Urban and Regional Research 21(2): p. 218.

Coates, N. (1988), “Street Signs.” Design after modernism: beyond the object. J. Thackara (Ed.), New York [London], Thames and Hudson: pp. 95-114.

Conzen, M. R. G. and Whitehand, J. W. R. (1981), The urban landscape: historical development and management: papers. London, Academic Press.

Cooke, P. (1988), “Modernity, postmodernity and the city.” Theory, Culture & Society 4(2-3).

Cooke, P. (1990), Back to the Future. London, Unwin Hyman.

Crang, P. and Malbon, B. (1996), “Consuming Geographies: a review essay.” Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers NS 21: pp. 704-719.

Crawford, M. (1992), “The World in a Shopping Mall.” Variations on a Theme Park. M. Sorkin (Ed.), New York, Hill and Wang: pp. 3-30.

Crewe, L. J. (1994), “Consuming Landscapes: Designing Desire in the Nottingham Lace Market.” East Midland Geographer 17(1 & 2): pp. 22-27.

Crewe, L. J. and Lowe, M. (1995), “Gap On the Map – Towards a Geography Of Consumption and Identity.” Environment and Planning A 27(12): pp. 1877-1898.

Cristopherson, S. (1992), “The Fortress City: Privatised Spaces, Consumer Citizenship.” Modernity and Identity. S. Lash and J. Urry (Eds.).

Crouch, D. (1998), “The street in the making of popular geographic knowledge.” Images of the Street: Planning, identity and Control in Public Space. N. Fyfe (Ed.), London, Routledge: pp. 160-175.


Davis, M. (1985), “Urban Renaissance and the Spirit of Postmodernism.” New Left Review 151(May-June): pp. 106-113.

Davis, M. (1992), City of quartz: excavating the future in Los Angeles. New York, Vintage Books.

Davis, M. (1992), “Fortress Los Angeles: The Militarization of Urban Space”. Variations on a Theme Park. M. Sorkin (Ed.), New York, Hill and Wang: pp. 154-180.

Dawson, J. (1988), “The Changing High Street: I. Futures for the High Street.” The Geographical Journal 154(1): pp. 1-12.

Dawson, J. (1994), Review of Retailing Trends: With Particular Reference to Scotland. Edinburgh, Scottish Office Central Research Unit.

de Certeau, M. (1984), The Practice of Everyday Life. Berkley, University of California Press.

De Oliver, M. (1996), “Historical Preservation and Identity: The Alamo and the production of a Consumer Landscape.” Antipode 28(1): pp. 1-23.

De Oliver, M. (1997), “‘Democratizing’ Consumerism?: coalescing constructions of subjugation in the consumer landscape.” Gender Place and Culture 4(2): pp. 211-233.

Dear, M. (1986), “Postmodernism and Planning.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 4: pp. 367-384.

Dear, M. (1988), “The Postmodern Challenge – Reconstructing Human-Geography.” Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 13(3): pp. 262-274.

Dear, M. (1995), “Prolegomena to a Postmodern Urbanism.” Managing Cities: The New Urban Context. P. Healey, S. Cameron, S. Davoudi, S. Graham and A. Madani-Pour (Eds.), Chichester, John Wiley & Sons: pp. 27-44.

Dear, M. (2000), The Postmodern Urban Condition. Oxford, Blackwell.

Driver, F. (1988), “The Historicity of Human-Geography.” Progress in Human Geography 12(4): pp. 497-506.

Driver, F. and Rose, G. (1992), Nature and science: essays in the history of geographical knowledge. Cheltenham, Historical Geography Research Group of the Institute of British Geographers.

Ducatel, K. and Blomley, N. (1990), “Rethinking retail capital.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 14: pp. 207-227.


Eco, U. (1986), Travels in hyper reality : essays. San Diego ; London, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

Ellin, N. (1996), Postmodern Urbanism. Oxford, Blackwell.

Engwicht, D. (1993), Reclaiming our cities and towns : better living with less traffic. Philadelphia ; Gabriola Island, New Society in cooperation with Envirobook Australia.

Entrikin, J. N. (1989), “Place, region and modernity.” The Power of Place. J. A. Agnew and J. S. Duncan (Eds.), Boston, Unwin Hyman: pp. 30-43.

Eyles, J. (1989), The Geography of Everyday Life. Horizons in Human Geography. D. Gregory and R. Walford (Eds.), London, Macmillan: pp. 102-117.


Featherstone, M. (1990), “Perspectives On Consumer Culture.” Sociology-the Journal of the British Sociological Association 24(1): pp. 5-22.

Featherstone, M. (1992), “Postmodernism and the aestheticization of everyday life.” Modernity and Identity. S. Lash and J. Urry (Eds.).

Featherstone, M. (1993), “Global and local cultures.” Mapping the Futures: Local cultures, global change. J. Bird, B. Curtis, T. Putnam, G. Robertson and L. Tickner (Eds.), London, Routledge.

Featherstone, M. (1994), “City Cultures and Post-modern Lifestyles.” Post-Fordism. A. Amin (Ed.), Oxford, Blackwell: pp. 387-408.

Fine, B. (1993), “Modernity, urbanism, and modern consumption: a comment.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 11: pp. 599-601.

Ford, L. (1994), Cities and Buildings. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins.

Frampton, K. and Futagawa, Y. (1983), Modern architecture 18511945. New York, Rizzoli.

Francaviglia, R. V. (1996), Main Street Revisited. Iowa City, University of Iowa Press.

Fyfe, N. R. and Bannister, J. (1996), “City watching: Closed circuit television surveillance in public spaces.” Area 28(1): pp. 37-46.


Glennie, P. D. and Thrift, N. (1993), “Modernity, urbanism, and modern consumption.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 10: pp. 423-443.

Goodman, R. (1971), After the Planners. New York, Simon and Schuster.

Goss, J. (1988), “The Built Environment and Social Theory: Towards an Architectural Geography.” Professional Geographer 40(4): pp. 392-403.

Goss, J. (1992), “Modernity and post-modernity in the retail landscape.” Inventing Places. K. Anderson and F. Gale (Eds.), Longman Cheshire: pp. 159-177.

Goss, J. (1993), “The “Magic of the Mall”: An Analysis of Form, Function and Meaning in the Contemporary Retail Built Environment.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 83(1): pp. 18-47.

Goss, J. (1996), “Disquiet on the waterfront: Reflections on nostalgia and utopia in the urban archetypes of festival marketplaces.” Urban Geography 17(3): pp. 221-247.

Goss, J. (1999), “Once-upon-a-time in the commodity world: An unofficial guide to mall of America.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 89(1): pp. 45-75.

Gottdiener, M. (1995), Postmodern semiotics: material culture and the forms of postmodern life. Oxford, Blackwell.

Gray, F. (1975), “Non-explanation in urban geography.” Area 7: pp. 228-235.

Gregory, D. (1989), The crisis of modernity? Human geography and critical social theory.” New Models in Geography: The Political Economy Perspective. R. Peet and N. Thrift (Eds.), London, Unwin Hyman.

Gregory, D. (1994), Geographical Imaginations. Oxford, Blackwell.

Gregson, N. (1995), “And now it’s all consumption?” Progress in Human Geography 19(1): pp. 135-141.

Gregson, N. and Crewe, L. J. (1994), “Beyond the High Street and the Mall – Car Boot Fairs and the New Geographies Of Consumption In the 1990s.” Area 26(3): pp. 261-267.

Grossberg, L. (1986), “On Postmodernism and Articulation, An Interview with Stuart Hall.” Journal of Communications Inquiry 10(2): pp. 45-60.


Hall, P. (1988), Cities of Tomorrow. Oxford, Blackwell.

Hall, P. (1992), Urban and Regional Planning. London, Routledge.

Hall, S. (1988), “Brave New World.” Marxism Today(October): pp. 24-29.

Hamnett, C. (1991), “The Blind men and the elephant: the explanation of gentrification.” Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers N.S. 16: pp. 173-189.

Hannigan, J. (1998), Fantasy City: Pleasure and profit in the postmodern metropolis. London, Routledge.

Harvey, D. (1987), “Flexible Accumulation through Urbanisation: Reflections on ‘Post-Modernism’ in the American City.” Antipode 19(3): pp. 260-286.

Harvey, D. (1989a), The Condition of Postmodernity. Oxford, Blackwell.

Harvey, D. (1989b), “From managerialism to entrepreneurialism: the transformation in urban governance in late capitalism.” Geografiska Annaler 71(B): pp. 3-17.

Harvey, D. (1992), “Social Justice, Postmodernism and the City.” International Journal Of Urban and Regional Research 16(4): pp. 588-601.

Hass-Klau, C. (1990), The pedestrian and city traffic. London, Belhaven Press.

Hayden, D. (1995), The power of place: urban landscapes as public history. Cambridge, Mass.; London, MIT Press.

Heynen, H. (1999), Architecture and modernity: a critique. Cambridge, Mass.; London, MIT Press.

Howell, P. (1993), “Public Space and the Public Sphere – Political-Theory and the Historical Geography of Modernity.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 11(3): pp. 303-322.

Hughes, C. G. (1999), “Urban revitalisation: the use of festive time strategies.” Leisure Studies 18(2): pp. 119-135.

Hughes, R. (1991), The shock of the new: art and the century of change. London, Thames and Hudson.

Huyssen, A. (1986), After the great divide: modernism, mass culture, postmodernism. Bloomington, Indiana, Indiana University Press.


Jackson, P. (1993), “Towards a cultural politics of consumption.” Mapping the Futures: Local cultures, global change. J. Bird, B. Curtis, T. Putnam, G. Robertson and L. Tickner (Eds.), London, Routledge.

Jackson, P. and Holbrook, B. (1995), “Multiple Meanings – Shopping and the Cultural Politics Of Identity.” Environment and Planning A 27(12): pp. 1913-1930.

Jackson, P. and Thrift, N. (1995), Geographies of Consumption. Acknowledging Consumption: A Review of the New Studies. D. Miller (Ed.), London, Routledge: pp. 204-237.

Jacobs, J. (1961), The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Harmondsworth, Penguin.

Jameson, F. (1984), “Post Modernism and the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism.” New Left Review(146): pp. 53-92.

Jameson, F. (1988), Postmodernism and Consumer Society. Postmodernism and its Discontents. E. A. Kaplan (Ed.), London, Verso: pp. 13-29.

Jameson, F. (1991), Post Modernism and the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. Durham, Duke University Press.

Jansen, A. C. M. (1982), “Consumer studies, retail planning and policy; a qualitative perspective.” Tidchrift voor Econ. en Soc. Geografie 73(6): pp. 370-381.

Jansen, A. C. M. (1989), “‘Funshopping’ as a geographical notion, or: The attraction of the inner city of Amsterdam as a shopping area.” Tidchrift voor Econ. en Soc. Geografie 80(3): pp. 171-183.

Jenks, C. (1987), What is Post-Modernism? London, Academy Editions.

Jenks, C. (1995), Watching your step: the history and practice of the flâneur. Visual Culture, London, Routledge.

Johnson, D. (1991), “Structural features of the West Edmonton Mall.” The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe Canadien 35(3): pp. 249-261.

Jones, K. (1991), “Mega chaining, corporate concentration, and the mega-malls.” The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe Canadien 35(3): pp. 241-249.


Kaplan, E. A. (1988), “Introduction”. Postmodernism and its Discontents. E. A. Kaplan (Ed.), London, Verso: pp. 1-9.

Keister, K. (1993), “Charts of Change.” Historic Preservation 45/3 (May – June): pp. 42-92.

King, R. (1996), Emancipating Space: Geography, Architecture and Urban Design. New York, The Guilford Press.

Knox, P. L. (1987), “The Social Production of the Built Environment – Architects, Architecture and the Postmodern City.” Progress in Human Geography 11(3): pp. 354-377.

Kunstler, J. H. (1993), The Geography of Nowhere. New York, Touchstone.


Landry, C., Bianchini, F., et al. (1995), The creative city. London, Demos (in association with Comedia),

Langman, L. (1992), “Neon cages: shopping for subjectivity.” Lifestyle Shopping: The Subject of Consumption. R. Shields (Ed.), London, Routledge: pp. 40-79.

Lash, S. (1990), Sociology of postmodernism. London, Routledge.

Lee, M. (1993), Consumer Culture Reborn: The cultural politics of consumption. London, Routledge.

Lees, L. (1997), “Ageographia, heterotopia, and Vancouver’s new Public Library.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 15(3): pp. 321-347.

Lees, L. C. (1994), A pluralistic and comparative analysis of gentrification in London and New York. Department of Geography. Edinburgh, University of Edinburgh.

Leonard, A. (1998), The Joy of Perl. Salon Magazine.

Ley, D. (1981), “Inner- City Revitalisation in Canada – a Vancouver Case-Study.” The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe Canadien 25(2): pp. 124-148.

Ley, D. (1985), “Cultural Humanistic Geography.” Progress in Human Geography 9(3): pp. 415-423.

Ley, D. (1989), Modernism, post-modernism and the struggle for place. The Power of Place. J. A. Agnew and J. S. Duncan (Eds.), Unwin Hyman: pp. 44-65.

Ley, D. and Mercer, J. (1980), “Locational conflict and the politics of consumption.” Economic Geography 56(2): pp. 89-109.

Ley, D. and Olds, K. (1992), “World’s fairs and the culture of consumption in the contemporary city.” Inventing Places. K. Anderson and F. Gale (Eds.), Longman Cheshire: pp. 178-193.

Lipietz, A. (1982), “Towards Global Fordism?” New Left Review(132): pp. 33-47.

Lipietz, A. (1987), Mirages and miracles : the crises of global Fordism. London, Verso.

Logan, J. R. and Molotch, H. L. (1987), Urban fortunes: the political economy of place. Berkeley, CA; London, University of California Press.

Loukaitou-Sideris, A. (1993), “Privatisation of public open space: The Los Angeles experience.” Town Planning Review 64(3): pp. 139-168.

Lowe, M. and Wrigley, N. (1996), “Towards the New Retail Geography. “Retailing, Consumption and Capital. N. Wrigley and M. Lowe (Eds.), Harlow, Longman Group: pp. 3-30.

Luxenberg, S. (1986), Roadside empires: how the chains franchised America. Harmondsworth, Penguin.

Lynch, K. (1960), The image of the city. Cambridge (Mass.); London, MIT Press.

Lynch, K. (1976), Managing the sense of a region. Cambridge, MIT Press.


Madani-Pour, A. (1995), “Reading the City.” Managing Cities: The New Urban Context. P. Healey, S. Cameron, S. Davoudi, S. Graham and A. Madani-Pour (Eds.), Chichester, John Wiley & Sons: pp. 22-26.

Madani-Pour, A. (1996), “Urban design and dilemmas of space.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 14: pp. 331-355.

Marcuse, P. (2000), “The New Urbanism: The Dangers so Far.” DISP(140): pp. 4-6.

Marsden, T. and Wrigley, N. (1995), “Regulation, Retailing, and Consumption.” Environment and Planning A 27(12): pp. 1899-1912.

Massey, D. (1994), Space, Place and Gender, Polity Press.

Mattson, S. (1983), “Storefront remodelling on Main Street.” Journal of Cultural Geography 3: pp. 41-55.

McRobbie, A. (1997), “Bridging the gap: Feminism, fashion and consumption.” Feminist Review (55): pp. 73-89.

Meethan, K. (1996), “Consuming (In) the Civilised City.” Annals Of Tourism Research 23(2): pp. 322-340.

Merrifield, A. (1997), “Between process and individuation: Translating metaphors and narratives of urban space.” Antipode 29(4): p. 417.

Miller, D. (1995), “Consumption Studies in Anthropology.” Acknowledging Consumption: A Review of the New Studies. D. Miller (Ed.), London, Routledge: pp. 264-295.

Morley, D. and Robins, K. (1995), Spaces of Identity. London, Routledge.

Morrill, R. (1987), “The structure of shopping in a metropolis.” Urban Geography 18(2): pp. 97-128.

Morris, M. (1988), “Things To Do With Shopping Centres.” Grafts: Feminist Cultural Criticism. S. Sheridan (Ed.), London, Verso.

Mort, F. (1989), “The Politics of Consumption.” New Times. S. Hall and M. Jacques (Eds.), London, Lawrence & Wishart in association with Marxism Today: pp. 160-170.

Mort, F. (1996), Cultures of consumption: masculinities and social space in late twentieth-century Britain. London; New York, Routledge.

Murray, R. (1988), From Fordism to Flexibility: the place of retailing. Symposium on the Micro Electronics Revolution and Regional Development, Labour Organisation and the future of Post Industrial Societies, Milan.


Nuttgens, P. (1997), The story of architecture. London, Phaidon.


Oakes, T. (1997), “Place and the paradox of modernity.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 87(3): pp. 509-531.

Oberhauser, A. M. (1990), “Social and spatial patterns under fordism and flexible accumulation.” Antipode 22(3): pp. 211-232.


Pacione, M. (1982), “Retail Redevelopment in the Inner City: A Case Study of Springburn, Glasgow.” Scottish Geographical Magazine 98(3): pp. 166-177.

Peck, J. and Tickell, A. (1994), “Searching for a New Institutional Fix.” Post-Fordism. A. Amin (Ed.), Oxford, Blackwell: pp. 280-315.

Piore, M. J. and Sabel, C. F. (1986), Second Industrial Divide: Possibilities for Prosperity.

Polan, D. (1988), “Postmodernism and Cultural Analysis Today.” Postmodernism and its Discontents. E. A. Kaplan (Ed.), London, Verso: pp. 45-58.

Price, J. (1995), “Looking for Nature at the Mall.” Uncommon ground: toward reinventing nature. W. Cronon (Ed.), New York; London, W.W. Norton.


Ravetz, A. (1986), The Government of Space. London, Faber & Faber.

Relph, T. (1987), The Modern Urban Landscape. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press.

Richards, J. (1994), Facadism. London, Routledge.

Robins, K. (1993), “Prisoners of the city: Whatever would a Postmodern City Be?” Space and Place: Theories of Identity and Location. E. Carter, J. Donald and J. Squires (Eds.), London, Lawrence & Wishart: pp. 303-330.

Robins, K. (1995), “Collective Emotion and Urban Culture.” Managing Cities: The New Urban Context. P. Healey, S. Cameron, S. Davoudi, S. Graham and A. Madani-Pour (Eds.), Chichester, John Wiley & Sons: pp. 45-61.

Rojek, C. (1995), Decentring leisure: rethinking leisure theory. London, Sage.

Rose, G. (1988), “Architecture to Philosophy – The Postmodern Complicity.” Theory, Culture & Society 5: pp. 357-71.

Rose, G. (1993), “Some notes towards thinking about the spaces of the future.” Mapping the Futures: Local cultures, global change. J. Bird, B. Curtis, T. Putnam, G. Robertson and L. Tickner (Eds.), London, Routledge.

Rustin, M. (1989), “The politics of post-Fordism – or, the trouble with “new times”.” New Left Review 175: pp. 54-78.


Sack, R. D. (1988), “The Consumer’s World: Place as Context.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 78(4): pp. 642-664.

Sack, R. D. (1992), Place, Modernity, and the Consumer’s World. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press.

Savage, M. and Warde, A. (1993), Urban sociology, capitalism and modernity. Basingstoke, Macmillan P.

Sayer, A. (1989), “Post-fordism in question.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 13: pp. 666-95.

Schor, J. B. (1999), The overspent American : why we want what we don’t need. New York, Basic Books.

Shields, R. (1989), “Social spatialization and the built environment: the West Edmonton Mall.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 7: pp. 147-164.

Shields, R. (1991), Places on the Margin. London, Routledge.

Shields, R., Ed. (1992), Lifestyle Shopping: The Subject of Consumption. London, Routledge.

Short, J. R. (1989), “Yuppies, yuffies and the new urban order.” Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers N.S. 14: pp. 173-188.

Smith, N. (1987), “Of Yuppies and Housing – Gentrification, Social Restructuring, and the Urban Dream.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 5(2): pp. 151-172.

Smith, N. (1992), “New City, New Frontier: The Lower East Side as Wild, Wild West.” Variations on a Theme Park. M. Sorkin (Ed.), New York, Hill and Wang: pp. 61-93.

Smith, N. and Williams, P. (1986), Gentrification of the city. Boston; London, Allen & Unwin.

Soja, E. W. (1989), Postmodern Geographies. London, Verso.

Soja, E. W. (1996), Thirdspace: journeys to Los Angeles and other real-and-imagined places. Cambridge, Massachusetts; Oxford, Blackwell Publishers.

Sorkin, M. (1992), “See you in Disneyland.” Variations on a Theme Park. M. Sorkin (Ed.), New York, Hill and Wang: pp. 205-232.

Stallabrass, J. (1996), Gargantua: manufactured mass culture. London; New York, Verso.

Stam, R. (1988), “Mikhail Bakhtin and Left Cultural Critique.” Postmodernism and its Discontents. E. A. Kaplan (Ed.), London, Verso: pp. 116-145.


Thrift, N. (1997), “Cities without modernity, cites with magic.” Scottish Geographical Magazine 113(3): pp. 138-149.

Tunbridge, J. E. and Ashworth, G. J. (1996), Dissonant heritage: the management of the past as a resource in conflict. Chichester, Wiley.


Urry, J. (1990), The tourist gaze: leisure and travel in contemporary societies. London, Sage Publications.

Urry, J. (1995), Consuming Places. London, Routledge.


Waste, R. J. (1998), Independent Cities: Rethinking U. S. Urban Policy. New York and Oxford, England, Oxford University Press.

Watson, M. K. (1978), “The scale problem in human geography.” Geografiska Annaler 60 B(1): pp. 36-47.

Whitehand, J. W. R., Ed. (1981), The Urban Landscape: Historical Development and Management. Institute of British Geographers, Special Publication No. 13. London, Academic Press.

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Williams, R. (1989), “When Was Modernism.” New Left Review(175): pp. 48-52.

Wolff, J. (1985), “The invisible flâneuse: Women and the literature of Modernity.” Theory, Culture & Society 2(3): pp. 37-46.


Zukin, S. (1988), “The Postmodern Debate over Urban Form.” Theory, Culture & Society 5: pp. 431-46.

Zukin, S. (1991), Landscapes of Power: From Detroit to Disney World. Los Angeles, University of California Press.

Zukin, S. (1992), “Postmodern urban landscapes: mapping culture and power.” Modernity and Identity. S. Lash and J. Urry (Eds.).

Zukin, S. (1995), The Cultures of Cities. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Blackwell.

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