Improving business processes and delivering better e-services – a Smart Cities resource

The Common Process Model has been developed to help you identify, measure and improve the performance of business processes.

A city’s ability to develop, maintain and deliver services is very dependent upon how it works – on processes. In ‘Improving business processes and delivering better e-services’ we show how cities can formalise and develop processes and

Business processes define your ability and potential to provide customers and employees with effective and high quality services and solutions. Your processes influence your performance, your service delivery and what administrative support is available for your service offerings.

This document outlines the The Common Process Model – a model (or framework) which can help you to improve your existing business processes to support and develop your e-services. The Common Process Model comprises a set of preconditions, directives, guidelines and templates that will help employees in different roles to identify, measure and improve the performance of the business processes that make up your e-service solutions.

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