Perhaps searching for something different will work?
The UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre (UKCCSRC) was the UK’s national carbon-capture network. It brought together industry, academia, regulators and Government to support the delivery of an industry-focused programme of CCS research and development that focused on developing innovative approaches to reduce the cost of deploying carbon capture and storage technologies.
The £10.5M RCUK grant brought together 12 research organisations from across the UK.
I oversaw the development and delivery of a £4.5M industry-focused research programme. Two multi-million-pound research calls funded a portfolio of 26 projects across 13 research institutions.
These projects directly addressed cost reduction and industrial process management issues which had been prioritised by industrial partners.
I developed the funding allocation and project management processes for the two funding calls, and devised management and reporting processes for the project delivery teams.
Perhaps searching for something different will work?